Stress and Anxiety
when the waters feel rough
Stress is a natural and non-specific response our body experiences when faced with emotional or physical demands. It is a defense mechanism that was essential in our ancestry: Our fight or flight response. It protected us from predators and helped us carry on our life line. However, compared to our ancestors, in today’s culture we deal with many more stressors on a day to day basis. We see more negative stress induced on our bodies and our physical and mental health are paying the price.
From a Chinese Medicine perspective, when the natural movement of Qi is interfered with, which can happen with stress, it can prevent one from moving emotionally and physically through an event. We feel “stuck”; stuck in an emotion; stuck in a negative physical pattern. Our body has lost it’s balance. By restoring the natural flow of Qi, acupuncture allows one to move more easily through thoughts and emotions and positively influences our body’s natural hormonal rhythm thereby addressing the various systems affected by the stress response.
"If turbid waters are stilled, they will gradually become clear"
-Lao Tzu